Tuesday, October 14, 2008

There's reason to celebrate

Our families came over this weekend to spend some time enjoying the beautiful Fall colors and to celebrate October birthdays. Kara's birthday is today, my mom's is the 26th, and it feels like Sam and Julia have been celebrating their birthdays all month.

My other sister, Katie, is holding Lily. Look how big she's gotten!

For $8 I was able to create a theme for the parties using crayon candles, colored sprinkles, balloons anchored with boxes of crayons, and if the kids ran out of things to do I was going to roll out craft paper so they could color in the garage. That never happened though. They were happy to either run around or play with Sam's new race car toys.

The kids took turns blowing out candles on the cake.

The balloons were a hit - especially when the kids were allowed to run around the yard with them.

It was two days of fun, family, and friends. Sam found the perfect way to end the weekend was to lounge in his new hammock

and roast marshmallows over the fire.

We had another reason to celebrate. This is the very last camper pulling out of the campground for the year. We'll now enjoy some quiet time before the snow flies and the cross country ski season begins.


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