It's a bird! It's a plane! It's a...
...big family photo shoot!
Karen's brother and his wife are moving to Kansas City and they invited me to come take portraits of the family before they say farewell.It was a photographer's dream. I had multiple family units to photograph. Cousins, Great-grandma, siblings, couples, two sides of the family, three generations, uncles, a great-uncle, and three dogs. (Sorry Lucky that you didn't make the cut for tonight's post) He'll have to wait for the unveiling of the 250+ proofs I'll share with the family in a few days.)
There were endless possibilities in the beautiful yard surrounding the family home, not to mention beautiful, sweet, photogenic people who allowed me to climb on whatever I needed to get the shot. The woodpile, truck's tailgate, ladder, bench, trailer, tractor....
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