Saturday, July 3, 2010

Two By Two

When I garage sale it's easy for me to spot something that I know Sam will love. Star Wars, Legos, Dinosaurs, anything that lives in the ocean... Shopping for Julia is a little trickier. She likes most of what Sam does (except for Star Wars) so it's hard to find something that can be specifically for her. Back in April when I did my major garage sale-ing weekend I picked up a little people zoo for $5. I almost didn't buy it because it's the new Little People and 26 animals would only add to our cluttered playroom. Besides we have tons of Schleich animals....

As it turns out she loves them and has been playing with them daily ever since. It helps that they are the only toy that is allowed permanent residence in her room. She has quite the imagination and there is something about animals that clicks with her. That bucket of 26 animals that I debated spending $5 on has been worth every penny. I let her bring them to Sam's T ball game the other night and she promptly set up a game where we had to look for all the animals that lived in water. Kept her busy and happy the whole game. It was pretty nice for me too - I got to watch Sammy play ball and listen to Julia's adorable animal commentary.

A pretty perfect way to spend a summer evening!


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