It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas in BearCountry
When I contacted Tricia back in October about a redesign of my blog I also purchased a blue 'paper' so I could update my blog for the winter. I've been so busy that I'm just now getting around to uploading the changes, but that's OK. The beauty of this latest design is that it will work for the LONG COLD winter months here in BearCountry and not just for Christmas. Tricia makes her 'papers' from scratch so if you can dream it up, chances are she can make it a reality - she sure did for me!
It just so happens that Tricia is doing a give-away and you are not going to want to miss it! She is a very talented artist....very talented. Don't take my word for it. I can show you the proof:See these two images? This is what I gave her to work with when I asked if there was a chance she could make it look like "4 the love of family" was carved into the bark.
Pretty impressive huh?
Not only did she make this from those two pictures, she also transformed BearCountry into a winter wonderland. Isn't she A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!?!!?! So head on over and enter yourself in the drawing and see what Tricia can do for your blog AND home!
Wow! I love the new header! The snowy background makes their eyes POP! Gorgeous!
Walking in a winter wonderland....
(did I say that loud enough?)
I keep coming back just to look at those adorable faces and wonderful photo editing! :)
Wow!! That is an awesome pic : ) Your kiddos are gorgeous, btw.
As soon as I clicked on your blog I made my husband (who could care LESS about anything bloggy) come look. It is so neat!
It looks great! :) love your header. :)
Just like Kristina I can't help but coming back to look at your header ... so beautiful! And I bet it really is a winter wonderland out there now.
Oh so cute!!!
Beautiful! Great design!
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