Monday, February 2, 2009

Not Me Monday - 20th Edition

I didn't think I'd write a Not Me post for this week since I'll have two extra kids at my house all morning, but since I'm up early I figured why not get a little of the craziness of our week down on 'paper'. You can head over to My Charming Kids to read what this refreshing carnival is all about and read what others didn't do last week either.

For example: I did not spend 2 hours driving my kids around last Tuesday so BrotherBear could see a specialist about his teeth, only to find out that they were too bad for the specialist to treat and he needed to be asleep to get his fillings. Nope. Not me! And since that never happened, he isn't upstairs sleeping in his bed with 6 teeth that need fillings. Not my son!

At least we have great health insurance that will cover the procedure. That hasn't always been the case. Once when I was pregnant with BrotherBear I spent $1200 at the hospital when all I needed was two Tylenol. Apparently my migraines present themselves with scary symptoms like blurred speech and vision and tingling in my fingers. I did not OK a $700 scan before trying cheaper treatments like 2 Tylenol!!!!

Our health insurance might change here in the near future now that PapaBear is looking for a new job. His company let him and five others go on Thursday afternoon. I'm not the least bit grateful that he'll be home today to help me with the kids while I deal with a head cold. Not me!

It doesn't cross my mind 100 times a day that maybe between my design business and PapaBear working part time at our park, we could make ends meet. That thought doesn't scare the pants off of me at all. I am ready to 'go back to work' to do what needs to be done. I don't worry that I'll struggle to balance my responsibilities at home and a time consuming job. Not me!


Secret Mom Thoughts February 2, 2009 at 8:07 AM  

My father in law recently got migraines like you described. The doctors thought he was having a stroke. Scary stuff. I'm glad they figured it out.

Esther February 2, 2009 at 11:36 AM  

Just want to share my very favorite Bible verse with you:
"Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble." Matthew 6:34
Know you are in my thoughts and in my prayers! And enjoy your extra help around the house! ;-)

CntryMomma February 2, 2009 at 11:36 AM  

Migraines and the ER are no fun, I know. Hope your are painful now!


Jenney February 2, 2009 at 3:45 PM  

I'm skipping Not Me to spend more time with my kids (I don't blog while they are up but I do do laundry etc that I decided to do while they were sleeping instead of blog). It actually made me a little sad...and then I decided since that made me sad, that was actually sadder! Here's to painting and batting an old birthday balloon around the living room :o)

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