It's the little things
This portion was written back in February.
Everyone says that childhood flies by. In an attempt to freeze time or at least capture a slice of time, I spent a few days in January looking at my children and the things associated with their lives at this stage that won't always be that way. Before I know it, it will be a real bus that takes them to school, not just Sam's toy bus that he's been obsessed with lately.
I hadn't taken the time to get all the photos in order until today. Brittany asked for ideas for a blogging carnival and I immediately thought of this post. Now that it's been almost a year since I started this and some of these little things aren't part of our lives anymore. They might not be the most interesting photographs, but for me when I look at them I'm instantly transported to the that time in our lives. They are the little things that make up our days and freeze the kids developmental stage for a moment.
Thomas toothbrushes...
Stuffed animals in their bedrooms...
Art projects from school
Julia's hand in mine.
It's now been so long since I made this post that the original link is gone. Here's another one that talks about not taking the little things we get to do with our kids for granted. (It was written while Tricia was waiting for a new set of lungs. Click on Tricia's name to read the comments and see what other mom's had to say to Tricia.)
Julia, doing whatever Mommy does.
Their first pet, Conor, is getting older. He is someone we definitely take for granted. Poor puppy.
She'll be blogging for herself soon enough and won't be asking me to read to her.
They'll be driving real cars (gulp) in real snow (double gulp) instead of Matchbox cars in shaving cream.
Asking to be picked up....
Shoveling for the fun of it....
Their lives will get busier and will require a more elaborate calendar than this.
The kids won't be entertained for hours by a blanket, their daddy, and a flashlight.
Before I know it the diapers a thing of the past.
Their taste in music and movies will change, they won't need to sit on his knees at the table, and the little plastic cup by their bedsides will be a thing of the past....
This eye sore will be gone...
Julia will want to pick out her own clothes some day. Until then I will dress her in adorable hand-me-downs.
She won't always have to crawl down the stairs backwards to get down them safely.
Her feet will reach the foot rest some day and then some.
The fingerprints on the patio door will get higher and higher and someday, disappear entirely.
My kids won't always live at home. But while they are hear I will do my best to make the most of every moment.
Oh I love this post. It's always fun to look back. They have grown so much in just a year.
And some randomness- I swear we have that same hotpad/mitt - and if it'd not the same it's REALLY similar. And you have Kissaluvs? How do they work for you? When I tried them for my daughter 15 months I could not get them to hold (but LOVED them for my son (nb stage). And so excited that our Target started carrying Tom's toothpaste for kids. Now if I can switch her off of Colgate without MAJOR meltdown life will be grand. Ugh.
:o( You nearly made me cry!!
A few years ago, when BabyDoll got her first big bed, I wrote an entry about it . . . this entry reminds me of it.
That DID make me cry! I'm going to stop and take time today to take some pictures of the kids' stuff right now--you're right, someday we'll miss this! They grow entirely too fast. Great post!
gorgeous post and a great idea !
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