Monday, March 3, 2008


When Brian got the call he needed to go into work early this morning I decided that I would drop him off so I could have the car and be able to take the kids to school and run errands. He thought I was crazy, but I wanted to give it a shot. So at 3:30 AM I put a coat on a sleepy Sam and carried him down to the van. "What are you doing Mommy?" he mumbled. I explained that we had to take Daddy to work and that we'd come home and go back to bed. He was totally fine with that and chatted happily with Julia and I during the drive into work. I guess he got my 'morning person' gene. We kept the music mellow and didn't bring any food along. After hugs and kisses for Daddy we came home. For once I was the one waking them up in the middle of the night. Despite the early hour I couldn't help but enjoy the snuggles with my sleepy babies. With both of their heads on my shoulders, facing each other and smiling, I was overcome with joy. Payback is sweet.

Yes, the kids went back to sleep when we got home at 4:00. Sam went right back to sleep and Julia only needed to nurse for a couple minutes before she curled up with her puppy and pacifiers and went to sleep. I never considered going back to sleep myself. I'm taking full advantage of the three hours the kids will slept to get paperwork done. I'll the really detailed stuff for later when my brain isn't as fuzzy.


Homegrown Tribe March 5, 2008 at 4:59 PM  

holy cow that's early! Glad it went well. :)


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