Fox in Socks
Tuesdays our library opens at 10am. It's the ONLY day they are open before 1pm. It's really pathetic in my humble opinion. Nap times have hindered us from being able to go to the library until after 4 and many days they are only open until 5pm. Like I said, pathetic. We will run into the T/Th preschool conflict in the Fall and once again we won't be able to get to the library nearly as often as we'd like to.
Thankfully we are blessed with a huge collection of books that don't require a trip to the local library to pick up. Between both grandmas and all the garage sale books I've picked up we aren't hurting for books. One of those books is Fox In Socks. It's a toungue twister but the kids like it. Our schedule is more flexible in the summer so PapaBear takes the kids to the library for programs and we participate in the summer reading program. Julia painted this picture as an entry in the drawing for fair tickets. I am in awe of how the kid's art skills have come in the past six months. Last winter we were using blank paper for drawing, last summer we moved onto coloring books which they devoured for the next six months. This summer we are back to using mostly blank paper for painting and drawing.
I'm loving this new phase and the creative things they come up with!
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