Monday, May 26, 2008


I'd forgotten how good normal feels. Sure there are still tons of things to be done to be completely settled in here. I could keep the house cleaner. I could lose my patience less. I could make more meals from scratch. There is always room for improvement, but at least the weight of the move, job change, health insurance, affording a second vehicle, and utility change-over is gone. In it's place we are filling our lives with afternoons (or sometimes mornings) at the park. Impromptu picnics, family walks, lazy evenings of reading in the library, grilling, kicking the soccer ball around the yard, visiting the library in our new town, exploring the arboretum, reading on the porch, putting puzzles together, playing Frisbee, and eating ice cream sandwiches. Mmmm...there's one left. I might have to go indulge myself while the kids nap. Before I do that I wanted to record some of the funny things the kids have been doing lately. Of course, now that I'm taking the time to sit down and write, I can't remember anything other than the fact that Julia threw out a new word the other day that about knocked me off my stool.
Julia: Moe wawa (more water)
Me: No sweetie, you need to finish what's in your cup first.
Julia: Why? Said like she'd been using that powerful word forever. She's used it many, many times since. Oh joy.


Anonymous May 26, 2008 at 9:45 PM  

She DID NOT say why. Oh, why!? I cannot believe that. She looks SO big and grown up in that photo! Also glad to hear you are feeling like things are starting to get "normal" again. Finally!!!

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