Monday, July 9, 2007

I'm not writing this to brag about my husband. I'm writing it so Sam can see what a great role model his dad is.

Brian has always been a big help to me with the household chores. He takes out the garbage, mows the lawn, puts clothes in the washer, empties the potty chair, and any other task I ask him to do(as long as I write it down). Yesterday he outdid himself. While I was at church singing on the worship team, he was at home with both kids. He washed most of the baby food making dishes, reloaded the dishwasher, and put a load of clothes in the washer. (He even remembered to use the correct water temp!)

Before we put the kids to bed he ran the vacuum and took out the trash. It took three hours to get Julia to sleep last night because she has a cold so my plan of folding a mountain of laundry had to be abandoned. My dear, sweet husband took it upon himself to not only fold 4 large baskets of clothes, but to also put his portion away. He did all this in the sweltering heat of our upstairs bedroom.

Thank you Brian for helping me and for giving our son someone to look up to. I love you!


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