Waking up on Christmas Morning
Even though the Christmas season is behind us for now I can't help but feel like every morning is like Christmas morning. I am blessed to have two beautiful, healthy "gifts" to "unwrap" every day. Each day my kids give me something new. A smile, a hug, learning to say a new word...whatever it is, I am striving to make the most of every day with my children. Ever since my friend, Jennifer, gave me the link to baby Noah Steven's blog my perspective about my role as a parent has changed. It is so easy to go through the motions of diaper changes, mealtimes, story times, and bedtimes as the mom of a two year old and a four month old. Honestly, I'm tired a lot of the time. But then I read what Noah's mom talks about on her blog and I am humbled by her faith in God and her ability to reach out to others despite the sorrow of losing her son. I challenge each and every one of you to read about what Adrienne and her family has gone through. EVERY day I think of how they handled their situation with amazing character. Now I hug my kids a little tighter, I read an extra story, and I pray for them constantly. We love Sam and Julia more than anything, but God loves them more! There is a beautiful Angel in Heaven named Noah and next Christmas we'll be adding an angel ornament to our tree in his honor.
Just getting wonderful, delightful, Holy Spirit goosebumps reading your wonderful post, Carrie. Would you mind if I e-mailed Adrienne directly and gave her the link to this post so she could be blessed by knowing how Noah has impacted you?
I would be honored. I read her blog daily, pray for her family daily, and am hopeful that I too can spread the message of Noah's miracle to those I know and love like you have done for me.
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