A Family Field Trip
Brian says St. Paul, Minnesota might as well be Moscow. He doesn't know his way around either city, but if you ask me the road signs are easier to read in St. Paul. We ventured out to the Children's Museum last week on a VERY cold Friday afternoon. We made it there with only one wrong turn. (completely my fault - I'm a terrible map reader) The reason for this little outing? Bob the Builder and his crew were in town. Sam fell in love with Scoop (who he calls Scoops), Muck, Roley, Dizzy, and the rest of the big eyed construction vehicles a few months back.
We started out in an area where kids could build with the construction stuff they had set out. Brian had just as much fun as Sam. He's a big kid at heart. That's what makes him such a great dad. | View Show | Create Your Own
Next it was on to the Bob the Builder Exhibit. Sam had so much fun running from one thing to the next he was oblivious of the other kids in the room. What a great way to spend a Minnesota winter day! | View Show | Create Your Own
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