Saturday, July 24, 2010

Fun (and free!)

Our favorite garden center has a Family Fun weekend every summer. We went last year and had so much fun! The staff is super friendly and everything is FREE. We were exited to go again this year. The kids bounced, played games, looked at fish, fed the donkeys, and Julia had her face painted...

It was a short visit because we had plans to celebrate my middle sister's birthday at 12:30. They didn't mind the long (hot, because our AC doesn't work) car ride because they had their prizes to play with. Bonus!

When we arrived at the restaurant it turned out that it was Family Fun Day there too! EVERY Sunday is Family Fun Day with a full schedule of events for kids AND there is a playground for them to play on in between games. Kids even eat FREE with an paid adult meal. Double bonus!

The kids were exhausted by the end and not even this giant brownie sundae provided enough sugar to keep them going. Julia was asleep less than a minute after we pulled out of the parking lot. So much fun for one day and all of it FREE!

1 comment:

  1. I bet she was exhausted! my girls get so tired at things like that but it is a good tired. looks like a fun day for all! and FREE?? that is even better!

    I did go an link up my H post. I didn't know that it hadn't posted on thursday because we were at camp with no internet. :)


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