Monday, July 26, 2010

footloose and fancy free

Don't get me wrong, we are very tied to the park during the six month camping season, but there are windows of time that 'we' can get away. Two Fridays ago was one of those times. The catch - PapaBear had to stay and work. The kids and I headed out to find supplies for my kid's program scheduled for the next day. Traipsing across six different parking lots is not my favorite way to spend an evening but with the promise of ice cream and Psalty the Singing Songbook in between, we made the most of it.

The weather was beautiful so when I spotted a lacrosse game in progress at a park on our way home I pulled over.

It felt so normal to be out on a Friday night. We don't usually get to do normal. Funny thing is...I didn't miss it. We get to do the important things like spend time with our family & friends, worship in a church we love just down the road, & raise our kids somewhere pretty special.

And that folks is all that matters to this mommy.

For more Mommy and me posts head over to Kyrstyn's blog:

Mommy and Me Monday at Really, Are You Serious?
Hosted by Krystyn at Really, Are You Serious?


  1. gorgeous picture of you guys! :)

  2. Awwww such precious captures!

    My Mommy and Me post is here. Have a great Monday

  3. Great shot of you guys! And, how fun that you were able to get away and have a sense of "normal!"

  4. Followed you here… I’m from Mommy and Me Monday as well and here’s my share

  5. love the second pic... it looks so serene

  6. Sounds like you experience some of what I do. My life is pretty abnormal, so things get turned around where normal is unusual and unusual is normal. It is fun to do the normal things sometimes.

  7. Your story is so refreshing and you are so lovely. :)



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