Friday, June 12, 2009

By the Numbers

When things start swirling around in my brain at a frenzied pace I know it's time to do a By the Numbers post.

3,565 - the number of blog book pages I need to design by December 1st in order to have any semblance of family time during Advent.

3 - the number of times I got up last night to turn off the hall light that Sam kept turning back on

11 - the number of campers who checked in yesterday (the busiest Thursday we've ever had)

1 - the number of times I called the Sheriff'sOffice this week

697 - the number of twitter updates I've written

2.5 - the number of S'mores I ate last night

123 - the number of followers I had yesterday

122 - the number of followers I have today

2 - the number of friends camping in the campground this weekend

112,647 - the number of hits on my blog since September

6 - the number of blogs I have

4 - the number of blogs I actually update

20 - the number of sore muscles I have from 10 measly push-ups yesterday

0 - the number of TV's in our house that work with the new digital TV set up

1 - the number of skulls (Moose) in my library (compliments of GrizzlyGramps)

5 - the number of days Sam will go to Vacation Bible School next week

13 - the number of peonies in vases around my house

3 - the number of photo shoots I have coming up

5 - the number of hours I got to spend playing with my kids this afternoon

11:12 - the numbers on my clock - 'night all!

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  1. I LOVE PEONIES!!!!!!!! (I felt it deserved all caps:))

    oh and I'm still one of the 122. Which would explain why I'm so quick on the commenting...
    ...not that you asked...

  2. Yep, I'm one of the 122 too! I'd love to hear about that call to the Sherriff--that sounds like a blog worthy event! ;-)

  3. Hopefully by next year I will have some money and can add some more pages to your "blog books to design"

    You are so fortunate to be living on a campground, would be my dream come true. =)

  4. I might be a big chunk of that blog book pages! AND I AM SO EXCITED! How many are you working on?! Thats just insane!

  5. I am following you now! I always thought I was!

  6. That was a good 'by the numbers'!!!

    I never did get the stat counter that tells me total hits... eh. I don't matter. I could just multiply 365x10 and figure it out! lol

    God bless!

  7. I love post like this...I may borrow it one day...when I find a little more time. Summers are BUSY! But fun.

  8. Hello fellow BlogFrog leader! I just love your 'bear' themed blog!! Sooo cute!!!


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