Tuesday, April 14, 2009

This Morning

* I only had 2 minutes to hustle downstairs and outside to unlock the gate before 7am.

* Julia had a huge blow out

* I did my hair and makeup for the 4th time this month

* I was on time for both schools

* We had a FANTASTIC discussion during parent education about our expectations as parents. After 4 years of Early Childhood Education, I have a large arsenal of tools and techniques for parenting, but what I didn't get until today is that I don't have to fix everything RIGHT AWAY in the heat of the moment. Lately we've been struggling with whining and the kids wanting more of everything and I was getting very frustrated.

Julia's emotions are off the charts and I feel like Sam is old enough to understand that he should be grateful for the two pieces of candy instead of whining about wanting more. Our lesson today at school was to show empathy when our kids are upset and leave it at that. It can still be a learning opportunity even if things aren't tied up with a neat bow at the end. Teaching the kids to get a handle on their emotions and taking the time to empathize can (over time) do wonders. I'm looking forward to trying this out this week.

What else did we do this morning?

* I ran into my SIL and had an impromptu lunch date at Target

* Julia refused to eat anything

* Instead she asked to go home and see Sammy. I had shopping to do so she asked to get in a cart instead of walking.

* She laid down in the big part of the cart while Sharon and I ate lunch.

* She napped for 45 minutes - in the grocery cart.

* We stopped at the garden center to scope out the organic fertilizers and seeds for our straw bale garden.

* We played baseball in the yard (It's 65 and sunny out FINALLY)

* PapaBear ran and got the hardware to hang a second hammock in our yard.

* We hauled 3 heaping laundry baskets of outgrown clothes downstairs. (My friend is going to sell them at a garage sale for me next week in exchange for a photoshoot. Now I won't have to list 75 pieces of clothing and 18 pairs of shoes on Craigslist! Wahoo!!!)

And that was just our morning. Can't wait to see what the afternoon brings!



  1. um. Wow. Craziness!

    ...and when you get the whining thing figured out can you let me know??

    I've been wanting to sponsor a Compassion child for a long time, so we just did and I'm hoping that it will be one more way to teach my kids how incredibly blessed we are!!

  2. And you had time to blog...wow your good!

  3. I'm also wondering how you managed to get a blog post in??? You must be in high gear today!

    I'm in low-low gear, tripped in a parking lot yesterday and now have my rt foot in a walking boot thing ... it was all very embarrassing.

    Also wanted to let you know that my inlaws will be in site #10 June 11-14, so I'm sure we'll be out to visit some that week!

    Happy Spring weather!

  4. Oh...I have had so many similar days. Seems like you are doing a great job though...whining can really throw one over the edge.

  5. Dang, you sound BUSY, BUSY, BUSY!!!

    I feel your pain - it's crunch time for TAX SEASON and I work at an accounting firm. I'm ready for a BREAK!!! or a VACATION!

  6. whew! busy busy mama!

    hope you have a great night!


  7. You go girl! I also planted lettuce today....Dwight

  8. Busy, busy, friend! I've been busy lately too, hoping to catch up on some housework tomorrow! Glad SB had a "cart nap"--we've had a few of those in our day!

  9. Wow-what a busy, productive morning...
    As far as whining goes--we still deal with that on occassion too..but now I think it's associated to pre-teen hormones.. Oh joy!

  10. Go check out my blog, when you get a free chance from your little ones! I gave your an award! :)

  11. Wow, you were busy! Thanks for letting us know what is going on...can't wait for Alphabitty Moments tomorrow!

  12. You made me tired just reading about all that you did!! But I must say - it's nice to hear that other kids emotions are off the charts and being thankful is pretty hard to teach - even in a "thankful" child. Candy is just too stinkin' addictive, I guess...


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