Thursday, April 9, 2009

Alphabitty Moments - the letter G

Welcome to Alphabitty Moments! If you are new to this carnival please click on the Alphabitty Moments button in the upper left hand side of my blog. I am typing this at 12:30 in the morning and just don't have the oompf to type out all the instructions this week. I've been working like a mad woman to get 4 photo books to the printer by Friday. Taking a break to make these pages was a fun distraction. The story behind these goggle pictures can be found here.
(left page)

(right page)

For the past few months Julia has been sleeping with her puppy as a pillow. I found her curled up like this one night and did my best to get some pictures of her sleeping. They are a bit blurry, but you get the point.

I really wanted to use Grandma and Grandpa as our G words this week, but I didn't plan ahead well enough. I did schedule a photo session with Grandma, Grandpa, and Sharon for this Saturday so our family can have some of the same type of portraits I do for my clients. Next time through the alphabet I can use those for the letter G....

The winner of last weeks drawing for these notecards is Secret Mom Thoughts. Congrats! If you'd be so kind as to email me your address I will get the cards off to you soon. (4theloveoffamily(at)

I will be making my rounds to visit the links from Mr. Linky just as soon as I get a few hours of sleep, get Sam to and from school, and take the kids to see their Great Grandma...
See you next week for the letter H. I already know what I'm doing for Sam's pages, but Julia's is still a toss up.



  1. GOGGLES! Love it! And that picture of SB is too precious for words! Beautiful memories...

  2. Very Cute!! I am working on mine now :)

  3. Very sweet! I love it! Great job!

  4. Those are great :) It's funny how they find odd things that just give them comfort to sleep on. I still love those pictures from the destruction of the gingerbread house! That was great :)

  5. Two things I love taking pictures of...

    sleeping babies
    and babes in goggles (I ALMOST copied your idea on this one:))

    Very cute!

  6. LOVE your photos. The goggles are fantastic! and Julia curled up with her puppy is just priceless.

    Got my post for F and G done. Our computer is being tempermental! :)
    hope that you are doing well!

  7. I love the goggle photo. My son loves all types of goggles too. The good night shot is too cute.

  8. oh. my.goodness!!!! beautiful shots! awesome G's!!! im sooo glad you started Alphabitty Moments!!!

  9. Love those Googles...what a great face, and such a sweet sleeping picture.

  10. Sooooo cute. I love the pictures of Julia. They're just precious. My moment will be up on Saturday--I dedicated today to Maundy Thursday.

  11. Truly Truly Adorable!!! We have some really great googe pics too, but had to go with G is for Grandparents today ;-)

    Love and Blessings from Heather

  12. Well, it is Friday night. Did you make your deadline? I hope so. I will do G and H next week, Lord willing. G is now for "goodnight" and "go to bed" for me...

  13. Such a great idea! I love the pictures, thanks for sharing!


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