Thursday, April 2, 2009

Alphabitty Moments - the letter F

Welcome to Alphabitty Moments, a fun way to preserve the little things about our children's childhood! (Click here for the specifics on the carnival.)

I had a list of words that would have fit the letter of the day (unlike last week), but I went with Footie Jammies as winter pajamas are called around here. I grew up calling them Sleepers, but the name Footie Jammies has taken hold in our house.

(left page)

It snowed yesterday, but I'm hopeful that Spring weather is right around the corner. I don't know how much more wear these two pair can handle.

(right page)

Sam is always asking if it can be jammie day and as long as we aren't going anywhere I'm OK with that. He likes his jammies SO much that he'll put them back on when he gets home from school. (I wonder who he learned that from!)

Years from now when I look back at this rather mundane photo I want to remember...

...that at one time my kids needed to sit on their knees to reach the counter,
that Sam wore girl jammies sometimes and Julia wore boy jammies as often as she wore girl jammies,
how great it is to snuggle with the kids when they are wearing these,
that these are the flower jammies that Sam was wearing when he threw up on me at the Target that last one.
Don't forget that in honor of the letter 'F', I will draw* one name from the Mr. Linky list to receive eight of these pretty (blank inside) note cards.

* Mr. Linky will be up until I post the new one for next week - as long as your post is up and linked before then you are still eligible for the drawing. Good Luck!

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  1. Adorable picture, Carrie! We love jammie days here too!

  2. We love jammie days here too. Lovely shot.

  3. That is cute! Funny about the pj's. My middle son loves staying in pj's too. I like to change into mine if I know that I am in for the rest of the day. Sometimes at noon I put them on! Love it! I feel guilty when my hubby comes home from work and I'm in my pj's already. He doesn't know that I have been in them since lunch!

  4. We love jammie days. Nothing better than cuddling with your kids when they're in their footie jammies. Especially when they're fresh from a bath!

  5. My kids love footie PJ's! Cute pictures!! Thanks again for starting this...I love it!

  6. Good one!!! I have to admit I was a bit stumped on F! LOL. Footie PJ's is GENIOUS!!!!!! Such a great pic!

  7. Oh, I love footie jammies! Too bad my kids all got their dad's body temp. None of my 5 kids have ever been able to wear these. They just get way too warm ... But if I could find them in adult sizes I might like them.

    Cute page layout!

  8. I love how my kids are in footie jammies too! Have you found though, that they wear a way bigger size pj than they do regular clothes? Snug is in like a 4T footie and 2T (if not 24m pants) clothes. Weird.
    I have to go read some more people's alphabitties because I am SERIOUSLY stumped this week. I need some ideas...

  9. Love, love, LOVE footie jammies! My kids would wear them in the summer if I'd allow it. But down here they'd have a heat stroke if that were the case. Even my 9 year old still wears footed jammies. Although they are not only extremely hard to find down South but also at a decent price!

  10. Footie jammies are GREAT!

  11. I heart footie jammies too! Although, it's probably tied with how their tummies look in the footless 2-piece jammies from Old Navy, Gap, etc...

    why doesn't MY tummy look that cute in them?!

  12. haha, Nathan loves his Jammies too! He always wants to put them right back on as soon as we arrive home from anywhere! (wonder if it's the age??)

    Such a cute photo- love it!

    I'm sooo behind in my picture taking. One of these days I'll get back on the wagon and post 5 letters at once ;)


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