Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Snapshots

I did in fact take quite a few photographs this weekend, but won't be posting any of them tonight. They are on my phone and on my CF card which requires way more effort that I'm willing to make right now. Sorry, but I'm BEAT! I walked and was on my feet more this weekend than I have in a month of Sundays. Ouch! Before I crash I wanted to jot down some snapshots of our weekend. It was a special weekend, yet ordinary at the same time. Let me explain...

*Saturday - Julia's half birthday. We celebrated with half a cake and 4 1/2 candles, but we did it on Friday night because PapaBear and I had rescheduled our date day for Saturday. I was bummed to miss out on celebrating with Julia, but she didn't seem to mind. Going to Grandma and Grandpa's house was celebrating for her! PapaBear and I enjoyed a few hours wandering IKEA and the Mall of America and then we went home so I could get ready for my girl's night out with fellow bloggers. Fun times!!!!

I talked to the kids on the phone before bed. What is it about a child's voice on the phone that makes them sound like cherubs? Melt my heart! I was able to make it home by 10:30pm thanks a whole mess of green lights. I will be glad when the river isn't flooded anymore and crossing the river isn't so difficult!

*Sunday - Sunday school for the kids and breakfast at McDonalds for PapaBear and I. I really relish that hour he and I spend together over sausage biscuits. We read the paper and more often than not I have some project to discuss with him. It's peaceful and unrushed. We sat in front of my BIL and SIL at church this morning. It's always a treat to see them! Before we left the house this morning we prepped the kids on our expectations. What a difference it makes in their behavior during church! They both whispered when they needed something and for the most part entertained themselves and then watched the skit with almost their full attention. It was so nice to not be stressed out about their behavior!

Back at home we ate a quick lunch and then headed outside for Julia's 1/2 birthday portraits (complete with birthday girl hat per her request) Sam and Daddy joined us and after Julia changed clothes we wandered through the campground picking up walnuts, exploring the woods, observing snakes (there were a BUNCH!), and climbing on huge slices of trees that had been cut down last week. There was some damage done to the road by running water and the kids were very intrigued by the four foot hole in the middle of the park road.

Eventually we made our way home and did some work in the garden space. I'm leaving a few bales from last year in hopes of growing potatoes in the loose straw. The kids dug for worms, played baseball, soccer, hunted for more walnuts, and demolished our gingerbread house as is our traditional way of celebrating when the snow is (mostly) gone. We still have dirty piles here and there, but for the most part it's GONE!!!!! (Until tomorrow when it's suppose to snow again) But today The temps had to be in the 60's - it was SO warm!

By 4pm we were all tired and hungry so we came in for our simple Sunday dinner which this time consisted of chips & salsa - nobody wanted popcorn so we went straight to ice cream sundaes. During the original version of The Shaggy Dog there is a part where the characters are at a formal dance. Julia hopped down off the couch and asked Daddy to dance. So there in her panda bear pj's father and daughter danced in the middle of the living room. It was precious!

The Bible story tonight happened to be part of the same scripture the skit at church was based on and it was really nice to hear Sam make the connection just based on me reading the title "Son of Laughter". It took them less than 5 minutes to fall asleep once we tucked them in. I'm guessing it will take me all of 5 seconds! Goodnight!

What did you do this weekend?


  1. I got to see YOU this weekend! :) Was nice, as always, too chaotic and busy and all that jazz to to really catch up but nice moments until next time! Sounds like your weekend was great!!

  2. I spent a very special day with Sammy and our 4 1/2 year old Julia. I think that was the first thing she said to me when she walked in the house. I'm 4 1/2. We made brownies for her special day. I can picture Julia and Daddy dancing. I hope you got a picture of that. It is nice to have those special days, sometimes we forget to celebrate the little things in life.
    Love ya, Grandma Rena

  3. I recently found your blog and find it so inspiring. I wish I could tell you how I found you, but I'm such a blog hopper that I don't remember the source.

    I awarded you with the Versatile Blogger Award. It is a fun award that's passed around within the blogging community. Here is the shortlink to my post: I hope you enjoy it and I look forward to reading more of your posts.

  4. I will relish your weekend fun as ours was a horrible weekend. I'm glad you got to go on a date. I think "wandering around store" dates are super fun. Everyone needs quiet time to dream together.
    How is Baby Hope?

  5. Love wonderful weekends, I'm so happy you and the bears had an enjoyable one too!


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