Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Shabby Apple Winner!

We have a winner folks -

LambAround will receive the beautiful Azure Coast dress from Shabby Apple.


The winner has been notified and has 48 hours to reply to my email otherwise I will pick a new winner.

Watch for more fun giveaways in the weeks and months to come as part of my unveiling of my BRAND NEW BLOG. Yes, after two years of looking at my outdated (yet still undeniably adorable!) header, I am having my site revamped. It will be even easier to navigate, is fun, fresh, and I'm excited to highlight some products I love! Stay tuned!


  1. Congrats to LambAround!

    Good luck on the revamping of your site. I'm sure it will look fantastic!

  2. How fun! Does this mean you'll be blogging more often too? Not like you're busy or anything :o)

  3. Fun! I can't wait to see your new blog. Congratulations Lambaround:)


While I can't reply to every comment, please know that I appreciate you taking the time to leave me one!