Thursday, April 21, 2011


We have the greatest neighbors. They technically are our only neighbors seeing that we live in the country and the houses aren't close together. They are across the road from us and have lived on their farm since the 70's. J and J are so kind to us - sharing their surplus of garden goodies and letting the kids catch frogs in their pond. We fed their chickens for them last Fall and have plans to do it again this year when they are out traveling the country. It's a win-win. We don't go anywhere anyway so it's easy for us to walk over and feed, water, and collect eggs. They reap the benefits of having fresh eggs and meat, but don't have to be tied to home.

Today we went over to meet the new 'crop' of chicks. There are 18 fuzz balls staying warm in the garage. Soon they will move to their nice digs in the chicken coop. I've never seen such a NICE chicken coop before! I had no problem doing chores in my CHURCH shoes last fall - it's THAT clean! We also able to view J's extensive model train set. The kids would still be over there if we hadn't dragged them home. Before we left J showed us a project he's been working on. A huge workbench FULL of wooden crosses. Some from wood on the farm, others from his place of employment. They were beautiful!

He wanted us to have one. We picked one that was made from wood on the farm - seemed fitting. On the bottom are a series of Bible references about salvation. What a legacy! And what a keepsake! We brought ours home and placed it front and center on our fireplace mantel. It matches the woodwork beautifully.

Barely five minutes after we walked back into our house Jo and Howard's camper pulled in. Our camp hosts from the past two years are back again and we couldn't be happier. Julia exclaimed in excitement, "Can they stay for a while?" Her jaw dropped when I said, "Yes, SIX MONTHS!" Don't get me wrong, we enjoy the quiet of the off season, but it's worth the craziness of the camping season to have our friends back for the summer/fall!

Side note: When we went down to greet Jo and Howard we stopped over at the office for a minute first. I heard something in the upstairs storage area and had to laugh. So that's where the cat disappeared to! At least she was warm and I'm guessing had plenty of mice to eat - though she was mighty glad to return to our basement and her kitty food so maybe there weren't very many mice after all?!

The rain started coming down about 5:30 - (just in time for soccer practice) so I'm glad we were able to visit with our neighbors before the weather turned icky. 39 degrees and raining. Yuck! The kids toughed it out on the field for about 15 minutes and then an adult pulled the plug. Must have been one who didn't bring an umbrella. Me? I bought a Sport Umbrella at Sam's Club and am so glad I did! Between the wind last week and the rain this week. I've already gotten my $40 worth and I haven't even taken it to the beach yet!

Come on nice weather!!!! We're ready for you!


  1. How fun to live near a farm & get to help them out! And I love that umbrella!!! I may have to invest in one of those!

  2. I hear you! Ohio has been nothing bet RAIN for the past week or so! lots of flooding and terrible storms. in fact it is thundering right now! crazy!


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