Monday, March 14, 2011

He is Special

We celebrate special days in our house. The kids really look forward to the privilages that go along with that day, but no matter what we manage to forget to celebrate on the exact date sometimes. It really doesn't matter - in fact when we forget I don't even tell the kids - I simply announce that "tomorrow is your special day!" and go with it. This month we were a day late for both of the kids so it all worked out.

We didn't do anything fancy today, but it was still special. Sam chose cereal for breakfast, pizza in his lunch, and waffles for dinner. Daddy even put strawberry sauce and powdered sugar on top! He's going to be talking about that meal for months! He asked to go to the library after school. I picked out a new dinosaur book for him to check out. We played outside for over an hour when we got home. Sledding, 'snowboarding', climbing the mountains of snow that surround our yard, and throwing snowballs - kinda the last hurrah before the rain comes and washes away all our snow (hopefully!)

After dinner Sam and Daddy played dinosaur and then we played two rounds of the board game "Camp" per Sam's request. We had a fun evening together as a family and for the first time those last two hours before bedtime flew by. He never asked to watch TV. He didn't ask for a treat after dinner. It was a special night! We read their devotional and their Jesus Storybook Bible in Julia's room as has become our tradition and as I finish this up he's curled up in my bed for a sleepover.

I pray that the reason behind our special days (to fill up their love tanks) was successful today - I know my heart is overflowing with love for both of them!

What do you do to give your children the individual attention they crave?


  1. I really need to try something like this. Good idea.

  2. Aww, I love this idea! And love the tradition you have started with their devotional. Thanks for entering the giveaway, good luck! And congrats on your pregnancy, your children are beautiful. Can't wait to see your new little girl.

  3. Hey! It's Nome! I didn't know you were pregnant! Congrats! Reading your past posts, my Oscar had a choroid plexus cyst that did NOT go away...even was still showing right up before his birth. Good news - he's as "normal" as a little 5 year old boy can be! Tara always said, "Well, just know he must be special, marked by God Himself via the cyst..." I know - hard to believe she would have somehing NICE to say - ha ha

  4. It is so hard to make each one feel special, especially with having a home FULL of kids 5 days a week.

    Whenever Matt or I need to run to the store or do another errand and the other is home the person who is leaving always takes just one kid with them. It gives them just a few minutes of one-one-one time.

    AS our family continues to grow we're going to have to find more ways to give them individual attention because it isn't always easy. I love that you are so purposeful in making Sam and Julia feel special.

  5. how are you? hoping all went well last week. Hugs!!

  6. Hi there. I just found your blog and I wanted to say hello. Your children are beautiful and I hope all is well with your new little gift from God. I said a prayer for her. : ) I look forward to catching up on some of your past posts. If you'd like to visit my blog please feel free when you have a minute or two. God bless and Happy Spring!!!!

    ~ Wendy


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