Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Birth of a Butterfly - Day 2 of the series

Our monarch was still in its chrysalis when we started this series yesterday, but today, there is major progress as the butterfly emerges and takes its first steps.....right towards Sam and then well....he just kept going...right up the side of his head!

Stop back tomorrow for day 3 of our week long series on the birth of a butterfly and if you blogged about raising butterflies (or moths) this summer click here to link up so we can visit and relive the remarkable transformation again and again.

My friend Darcie has some great photos of their summer butterfly adventures so be sure to check out the links and add one of your own!


  1. i love the look on his face as it hits his face and cute!

  2. wow love the images! love the one with the buterfly on the ear!


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