Wednesday, August 11, 2010


It's the color of the big ball in the sky that has been baking BearCountry in 95-100 degree temps for far too long.

It's the color of Julia's dress that her second cousin wore five years ago.

It's the color of the first apple* of the season that we promptly turned into apple crisp for dinner last night....after we ate yellow corn, carrots, fresh bread, and garlic roast with gravy. Yum!

Now if only I could figure out a way to spread out my motivation to cook throughout the week instead of doing it all in one night....

*we still don't know what kind of apples these are...anyone out there know? What we do know is that they don't get any more red than that little tinge at the top, they are soft, tart, and HUGE!


  1. they look HUGE! yellow is a great color!

  2. Wow. that is a huge apple. When you find out what they are...I want to grow one of those trees!

  3. Those temps have got to find another home!! PLEASE!!


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