Monday, August 2, 2010

Preserve & Print

Your photos...

Your stories....

Designed by yours truly.

In this case - 430 pages, 1,415 photographs, 400 blog posts. Check out my favorite layouts from my latest book here.

I wanted to give a shout out to my fellow blog book designer Kristina who was helping me brainstorm titles for the Blog Book session at the MN Blogger Conference. Thanks K!


  1. how or when can we get tickets for the blogger thing?

  2. More information will be released this week about the conference. I'll be sure to tweet about it when I hear more. I'm so excited to be able to share what I've learned in the few years I've been doing this!

  3. These are cool. Maybe one day I'll stop being the laziest person on Earth, and make something like this. Maybe.

  4. You continue to be an inspiration to me...I swear, every time you post it's better than the last!
    LOOVE your work!

  5. BLURB was featured in Good Housekeeping this month and I thought about you! I am back...I am terrible at blogging these days


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