Saturday, August 7, 2010

Missing the target

So my "how I spent my summer vacation" series isn't going as planned. I got behind, like always, and have yet to catch up. When I get behind everything piles up waiting for me to write about our days in chronological order.

I made it through a month of posts and have still been taking pictures, but with three weeks left until school starts chances are I'm going to miss the target at least one more time, but we're going to have in the meantime!


  1. Everyone gets behind, its tough being momma! LOL I love love LOVE the picture banner at the top of your blog. My daughter dressed as a bear for halloween when she was 2 and it reminds me so much of her little outfit. <3

  2. Oh, I know, I fell behind too. The summer has gotten so busy, and by the time I can sit down and blog at night, I'm so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open, let alone type. :-)


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