Monday, August 9, 2010

Can you tell what she's doing?


  1. Toasting a marshmallow over a pot of "fire" with a stick in her mouth while reclining on your camping mattress in your garage!?

  2. My best guess is that Sister BEar is laying on an air mattress in a garage or basement pretending to roast a marshmallow and have a "camp out". However, it appears the marshmallow stick is in her MOUTH and not her hands!

  3. she has a "trap" set and waiting on the squirrel or chipmunk to partake.

  4. She is pretending to be Heidi of the Alps. Soon Grandpa will come with a good loaf of bread and Peter will come, too. They will sit on their big wooden table. Heidi will carry the pot of milk (seen on the photo) to the table. They will have a joyful meal. The end of story :o)) - this is what the photo immediately brought to my mind- really enjoying your blog. full of life and joy, best of all. a visitor from İstanbul.

  5. Ok Carrie, I even came back to see if you gave the answer...WHAT is she doing/???


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