Thursday, August 19, 2010

Alphabitty Moments - the letter L

Welcome to Alphabitty Moments! Thursday is the day we record the little moments of childhood using a word that begins with each letter of the alphabet. This week we are on the letter L. Some people chose to do scrapbook pages and others simply post the word and the picture. It's completely up to you! I've found that it's not productive of me to open up a bookmaking software and spend a little time in there making a single page. I plan to do it all at once as we get closer to Christmas and the opportunity for printing using a discount code typically presents itself. And now on to the letter L for LEGOS....

My boy loves his Legos. It's number one (two and three) on his Birthday/Christmas list this year. They are the only toy that we keep downstairs. I'm one of those - toys stay in the playroom and do not take up residence in my living room thankyouverymuch type of moms. Am I alone in this?

Anyway, Sam's Lego focus is mainly on Star Wars Legos but he happily plays with any of them. I grew up with a city set and I snatched up two big bins for $4 at a garage sale this Spring that are similar to my childhood ones, though this 'new' set came with way more people than I ever had!

I've also been lucky enough to find expensive sets at Once Upon a Child too and Grandma and Grandpa have given him some sets as gifts. I've yet to step on a straw Lego, but I have accidentally broken the castle PapaBear built with a huge set I got for $20 as an Easter Basket gift. I'm not the Lego builder - PapaBear is. He's also the Lego fixer. So much joy from such a simple toy - those are the things I want to remember!


  1. that is a great word for L! we have yet to really get into legos here. we have some but they don't play with them often. wondering if we got them some sets like that if they would like them more... might have to give it a try!

    meeting Jenney at the park tomorrow... wish you could come too!

  2. My kids are still playing with Duplos, though we call them Legos. I kind of want to buy them the real thing, though it's nice that the baby can be in the room while their playing with Duplos without me worrying about it. Good idea looking at Once Upon a Child because they are SO expensive otherwise.


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