Monday, July 12, 2010

A summer checklist (for three year olds)

I'm behind in writing what we've been doing this summer for my 'how I spent my summer vacation series' and I thought this would be a fun way to catch up from last week. This is Julia's version:

Saturday - visit friends and swim in their big pool. check

Sunday - Eat first tomatoes from the garden.


Monday - Bring Mommy breakfast in bed.


Tuesday - Play "library program" and perform new acts


Wednesday - Play Tennis

Thursday - Jump off the dock and

go to a concert in the park (alternate option - nap)
check, check

Friday - Pack suitcase for a sleepover at Grandma's



  1. Its seems like "wear bathing suit" is a MUST in her busy schedule. Too cute!

  2. Haha, I got a kick out of the bathing suits as well! It's nice to see your daughter wears hers as much in the summer as mine does. And if Camille doesn't happen to have her suit on, it doesn't necessarily mean she isn't getting wet :)

  3. At least she's wearing the bathing suit! I took Luke out to play in his pool, and when I turned my back for a second, he took his off so he could run around naked.

  4. Sounds like so much fun, and who doesn't love a great day full of fun follwed by a concert and nap, my kinda gal. Happy summer!

  5. When did Julia get so tall??? She looks like a big girl now!


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