Sunday, July 11, 2010

A rare treat

I took the kids to see Toy Story 3 the Thursday before the 4th as their reward for doing so well at Sharon's wedding. I don't think I shared the story of how they walked down the aisle did I? Sammy walked down all by himself but Julia hung back so PapaBear went back up the aisle to walk with her. The next time he walks her down the aisle, him in a tux, her in a white dress, it will be her wedding day. Gulp.

But back to the movie outing rundown:
We went to a 7:30 show a few towns away. We took along their blankets and a stuffed animal for each of them. Their eyes got HUGE when they saw how much popcorn came in a a large tub. We sipped water and watched the previews. Sam asked, "is it going to start now?" at least three times.

Julia's chair squeaked and she wasn't heavy enough to make it stay open. Figures.

The kids enjoyed the movie - except for the parts where Sam covered his eyes. It was a little intense in my opinion.

After the movie we went grocery shopping. Yes I know it was 10pm but we make it a point to do at least two things during every trip to town. Gas is way too expensive to not stick to this rule. Shopping was fine - the store was nice and empty so we could get what we needed and head out. Julia said she heard thunder but that didn't make any sense because I could see stars.

The thunder was fireworks! On a Thursday? We went with it and sat and watched them from the Perkin's parking lot before making the long drive home.

Not a typical Thursday or a typical summer vacation day in the least, but it was a good one.


  1. what a special treat! We never do just one thing in town either... it's an all day event and there is usually something special too. I kind of like it that way. :)

    My boys have been wanting to see Toy Story 3... I hadn't looked into it yet. Did you kids like it?


  2. I thought that movie was a bit intense too! Kind of scary! LOL!
    Glad y'all had fun and got the bonus of fireworks!

  3. we haven't seen it yet... good for the kids? i think we will wait until it hits the dollar theater. glad you had a great night though. fun ending with fireworks!


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