Sunday, May 3, 2009

Scenic Sunday - BWCA

Miti over at Pieces of Me hosts Scenic Sunday each week and while I usually have to dig in my archives for a photo, I enjoy the process of searching and reliving the trips PapaBear and I used to take before we had kids. This week is a rare photo taken on aafter our children were born - our trip to the Boundary Waters Canoe Area. I left my good camera at home, but was thrilled to see how well my little point and shoot captured the water droplets on this leaf I found at the end of the portage trail.

If you're new to Scenic Sundays - here's Miti's describes it in her own words....

Sometimes we are so busy with everyday life that we forget
to appreciate the beauty that God has placed before us. Scenic Sundays are about stopping and smelling the roses. And while you're smelling those roses, take a picture so that others can share in your appreciation for the beauty of His creation. So pretty please come join us for Scenic Sundays. Maybe we'll see things in a different light.

Well said Miti!


  1. Who knew that a simple little leaf with rain drops on it could be so beautiful? Just shows that even in the smallest things, you will find the beauty of God's creation. Thanks for sharing!!

  2. You're amazing, friend. What a picture.


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