Saturday, April 25, 2009

Too smart for his own good

After a rough couple of days of the kids whining and fighting, it was great to come home from a a photo shoot to find them in good spirits. We snuggled, we sang, we prayed, and we read stories. But what made everything all better was the conversation PapaBear shared about their dinner at the pizza joint -

PapaBear to Sam when he's half way through eating his dessert pizza -
Uh-oh. We forgot to have a veggie!
What kind would you like?

Sam - "Sorry. Too late."



  1. LOL! That was funny. :)

  2. LOL, kids sure come up with some great answers:)

  3. That's so cute! I love when small children use grown-up phrases!

  4. That's awesome...I just love that kid!

  5. Thats our little guy. Sometimes he seems like a man in a little kids body. He is so smart for his age.

  6. i don't know where to post this b/c I don't belong to twitter but I linked onto yours from McMama's and the web link from your twitter page doesn't go anywhere b/c you need the .com after blogspot. Just thought you'd like to know!

  7. You did a wonderful job on the video for Stellan! You really are quite talented and it was the PERFECT song to put with the video. Thank you for doing that, it was a blessing to the McFamily and all of us!

    Melanie in TX


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