Thursday, April 23, 2009

Alphabitty Moments - the letter I

Welcome to Alphabitty Moments! It is Thursday already - a very busy day for me this week so I am publishing this post at midnight and getting a little rest before The Big Garage Sale. PapaBear and I will browse our way through 50 sales before the day is over and then hit a whole new batch of 50 on Saturday. But first, the letter I...

Our 4 1/2 year old son has spent countless hours using his imagination to come up with ways to play/create/crash/bash toys like the ones in these pictures. I will treasure the stories he's come up with - especially the role playing he creates for him and Daddy.

(To see the pages better simply right click on them and PC users can hold the ctrl key down while pressing the + sign until you can see the page well enough.)

Ice cream cones are starting to become a daily event around here with the progress that Julia has made with potty training. She doesn't get a treat for p**, but p**p means a trip to "Old MacDonald's". I don't mind - I'm the one who gets to lick the edges of the cone when it melts too much. :)

You should see her face light up when she earns her reward. It's priceless and something I won't soon forget. I also love that the little finger dimples are part of these pictures - they are fading and I've been trying to capture as many of them as a I can before that sad day arrives.

What moments do you want to remember?

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  1. These layouts are beautiful! I especially love the ones of Julia with the cones. So sweet!

  2. Oh! That is a great word! Imagination! Nice one. I love watching my children and their imaginations. It's amazing to me what they come up with!

    Love the layouts with SB and the ice cream :) I wanted to do ice cream but I came up with a different one :) Posting in a little bit.

  3. I love your layouts! The ice cream photos are adorable.

  4. Wow, I thought I was pretty smart this week, when I picked imagination...looks like there is two of us that are smart! :) Nice job!

  5. Nice job !! LOVE the pictures. and the fact that mcdonalds is called "old macdonalds" Tooooo sweet!

  6. Awesome job, friend. Wish I could get ice cream every time I use the bathroom! But then I'd weigh 400 pounds....

  7. Thanks again for doing this. I wish I was garage saleing with you right now...or at least HAVING my own sale :o)

  8. Very, very, very cute! This is my favorite one of yours yet, I think!

    I've been gone all morning and my son has a baseball game tonight so I probably won't get mine posted until late.

    Oh and I'm a little jealous of the garage saling that's going on over there....;)

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