Thursday, March 26, 2009

Tomorrow is another day

I've been slowly chipping away at the requests for MckMama's contact information. It has been a pleasure 'meeting' so many of the people who love her family as much as I do.

It was brought to my attention that someone was trying to impersonate me in the comment section of another blog so in all further request for information I ask that you leave a way for me to verify you are who you say you are.

It stinks that we all have to take the time to do this because of one person, but for the safety of MckMama's family, I ask for your understanding in this matter.

Goodnight from Bear Country.....



  1. That is awful that someone would try doing that.

  2. That's one of the strangest things I have ever heard. What the....?

  3. Thank you for all you are doing! I just can't believe someone would be so awful at a time like this ...ugh!

  4. WOW...obviously that person has no conscience...How Rude. Continue in prayers...The Niemans

  5. Thanks again for doing this, Carrie, it looks like a lot of work! Hoping all others have GOOD intentions ONLY.


  6. Grrrrr! That makes me so mad!!!!

  7. Why do people have to do things like that.... bummer!


  8. Some folks are just wackjobs.


  9. I am sorry someone is doing that - I left a comment yesterday about wanting to be able to send a care package and card, so was looking for an address - didn't get a response yet - wasn't sure if you were caught up on all the requests to help. Email is, blog is and if you go to and click on About Us, you will see me as Executive Director of the foundation.

  10. I would like to send a card to the family. I am not sure what you need from me. My email is My blog can be found at
    Please let me know if there is something else you need from me before I can receive the address. Thanks so much!

  11. Hello Carrie,
    I email MckMama, and she said that it would be better to get her information from you because she can't remember the hosptial number. (I have the email if you would like me to forward it to you). Also, did you get my email about me buying Chipotle for the MckFamily?

    PS What is your email address?

  12. It is so sweet that you are organizing this for MckMama. I would like to send her a card or care package of some sort since I don't live in the area. My email is and my blog is if you could get me the information. Thanks

  13. I have NOT forgotten Alphabitty fact it thought out, and ready to go, but I really needed to get the "milk donor" appreciation out there, and I thought that Thoughtful Thursday was a great way to do it, and now the kids are up and at 'em so i can't do a post. BUT I WILL tonight, and am so excited to do it!

  14. Seriously! Some people need to get a life and not mooch off of others! Thank you for doing what you are doing for the MckFamily! I have several things accumulated for them and would love the address. As for how you will know who I really am who I say; my email is . My blog is Let me know if there is anything else you need from me!

    THANKS again for all that you do!

  15. Thanks for all your work!! I think overall we are a community of well-meaning people looking to help and lift each other. I guess there are sad cases and nut jobs in every community right?!?

    It is truly sad, the majority of people could do 10X the good with all the effort they put into being negative.

    Thanks for the comment on my blog, I love to "meet" new people.

    Do you really live on a campground? I would love that! I must also comment on your little girls twirly curly hair!!! I just LOVE it!!!

  16. It's hard to believe people would do that... but it's never a bad idea to be caustious.

  17. Hi Carrie, I would love to do whatever I can. I think that you have my email from a few weeks ago, but if not you can email me from my profile.

  18. How horrible, and at a time such as this..... Really people.
    Is there a way for us to send a card or goody to her at the hospital?
    If you can and it is safe, let me know please.


  19. Hi. I had asked about contact information but don't know if I left my email for you. It's


  20. I can't beleive that someone would do that!
    I would really love to send something to MckMama and her family, but I'm pretty far away (way down in Louisiana) so It wouldn't be anything really big...
    My blog is and my email is

    Please let me know if you need anything else... and where I could send something to let them know I'm thinking of them, and praying for their sweet little MckMuffin.

  21. I would love to send a care package to Jennifer. I just need the address.
    My name is Stacy. My pen name is Pineapple Princess. My blog is

    Thank you!

  22. We would like to donate to the American Heart Association in Stellan's honor. We are praying for his heart to heal so he can go home to all his siblings.

    If there is anything else we can do from St. Louis let me know.

    My professional web page is:

    Thank you so much!


  23. Can I please get the info to send a giftcard to Jennifer and whatever else I can help with. please email me at

  24. Carrie -

    Are you Jennifer's close friend that she is always talking about? I was wondering if an account has been set up in Stellan's name to help with things. You can only give so many flowers and balloons. There are a lot of people on the praying for stellan group on facebook that have asked about donating to an account to help with medical, groceries, PC eating out with the MSC, toilet paper, etc. I just got the address of the hospital and are sending a chipolte gift card to her there with a card but I would like to do more and there are so many people that want to do more! Please..if you have any way to do this or know of someone that can do it for them in thier area, let us know so that we can start doing it. Or what about donating through a paypal account? Either or... I would like to help! We are on our knees daily praying for that little guy! My name is Bobbi Beer Syracuse, IN and you can reach me (I will give you my phone # from there if you need it)


While I can't reply to every comment, please know that I appreciate you taking the time to leave me one!