Friday, March 27, 2009

Tied in Knots

Wednesday was a very long, very emotional day for me and by the afternoon I needed a break. I needed to do something fun with my kids. Of course things don't always turn out the way we want - they fought like cats and dogs while I spoke with PapaBear on the phone after his job interview.

We got back on track when it was time to add the flour to the pretzel dough we made. There aren't any pictures of that process because we had ourselves an itty bitty flour fight.

The look on Sam's face was priceless when he saw me making a mess on purpose.

It was a great stress reliever to kneed the dough. We played catch with the balls of dough, giggled and talked.

We connected.

We had fun.

And we ate a totally unhealthy and unbalanced dinner.

For the recipe for these tasty treats aka dinner, go to Esther's Menu Plan Monday post .

She'll walk you through the whole recipe step by step.
A bit of advice: Print out the recipe before you start.
Scrolling down with my hands covered in sticky dough?
I don't recommend it.



  1. Friend, that made me smile! I'm so glad the recipe was able to turn an otherwise yucky day into a fun one. Thank you!
    (And aren't those pretzels yummy? Good for you for having them for dinner!!!!)

  2. Hi,
    First, SB hair is so awesome! I'm sure it is hard to control, but so beautiful! Those pretzels look so yummy! I will need to make these with my boys very soon. I'm glad you had a chance to relieve some stress. I know you have been doing a lot this week.
    I also read the blog about little Sage. I cried my eyes out. After seeing the picture I got this sick feeling inside. It is so hard to see and hear about. I also left them a comment.
    Anyway, wanted to leave a note! Have a great weekend! Katie

  3. Like I said earlier you are a good mom!! The pictures are evidence. I am totally going to do this one of these days. Cooking with kids is not one of my strong points but maybe this would be fun. You and Esther are starting to inspire me.

  4. Those look so yummy! I just may have to make an unhealthy, unbalanced dinner just like that tonight! :)

  5. You rock. I can only imagine what you are going through. We love baby Stellan and we have never even met, held, sniffed that sweet baby. Thank you so much for standing by your friend and helping her with her family. Your flour fight sounds like so much fun. I hope PB's interview went well. You and your family are in our prayers, along with Sage's and the Mck family.
    Happy day.

  6. Ooohh, I just LOVE soft pretzels! It's supposed to storm here ALL weekend long so maybe we'll make some of those yummy looking treats.

    Thanks for the suggestion and the link!

    And again, thanks for being such a great friend to Jennifer and helping coordinate stuff and relay info about Stellan through all of this. Everyone (MckFriends and MckFamily, alike :-) )really appreciates it.

  7. Oh, we will so have to make those in Draycare one of these days. How was the interview?


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