Friday, March 20, 2009

See Ya!

Goodbye Winter!

Hello Spring!

Today may be the first day of Spring, but here in Bear Country we're at risk for snow well past today. Remember the first day of Spring last year? This is what we woke up to Easter Sunday.


  1. Can you believe that we "crazee" Texans took a Spring Break trip to where there was snow, so we could enjoy it!?! We haven't seen snow here in WELL over a year! :) Your kids are adorable in their little snow suits

  2. I remember last spring all too well. We were still in Walker at that point and the first weekend in April, we had 26 INCHES OF SNOW IN 24 HOURS! Hopefully that won't repeat this year!!!!

  3. Happy first day of spring! I have crocus and forcynthia blooming and robins hopping around my yard (someone should warn them of our cat and dogs...)

  4. Poor old Frosty! But I'm sure you're thinking "good ridance" for at least a season and a half, huh?!

    Know y'all are ready for all things warm. It's coming!


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