Sunday, March 15, 2009

Scenic Sunday

The world got a whole lot bigger thanks to the I Heart Faces. I got so many nice comments and met some new faces because of my top ten finish. One of those faces is Miti. She is hosting Scenic Sunday in an effort to help us remember to stop and enjoy the beauty of God's creation.

I immediately thought of my Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness pictures from the Fall of '08. Our camping season has been extended by a week so we won't be able to go north this year. The third week in October was late enough last year, there's no way I'm going to camp when the high (if we're lucky) is going to be 30 degrees. If we do get any sort of vacation this year, it will be warm, close, and involve a bed - not a Thermarest thankyouverymuch.
Miti has Mr. Linky up and running so feel free to join in and share your own scenic shot.



  2. I 2nd Sparkette with beautiful and amazing!

  3. That's absolutely beautiful.

  4. Thanks MamaBear for being my very first participant in my Scenic Sunday. I was so excited to see another name next to mine! That's got to be one of the prettiest scenic pictures I've ever seen. It's beautiful. I look forward to enjoying more of your beautiful scenery.

  5. Beautifully Amazing! Great Scenic Shot!! Maybe next week I'll join in. I don't have anything nearly as good as that though.


While I can't reply to every comment, please know that I appreciate you taking the time to leave me one!