Friday, March 13, 2009

The perfect compliment

One of my favorite part of the post production part of photography is creating photobooks. I spend lots of time searching for just the right quote, poem, saying, or verse to compliment my portraits.

Remember this series of pictures with Henry at the piano? Here's the verse that will go on 4 different pages with some of those pictures and others close-ups of his hands on the keys:

Ten tiny fingers that always want to play;
that never stop exploring the wonder of today.
Ten tiny little fingers that right from the very start,
will reach out for tomorrow yet always hold your heart.

You can get a feel for the impact that just the right quote or poem can have by previewing the first 15 pages of Henry's 9 month book:
9 months

Coming up with fresh and different sayings for five books of the same child has been challenging, but it's so worth it.
I'm always writing down sayings I see in gift shops, the Hallmark store, or in coffee table books on children and families. I'm going to be compiling a notebook soon so my collection is in one place and I can refer to it when I need to. There are scrapbook saying websites that have been very useful as well. If I could only find a book filled with quotes about families, babies, children etc... in a bookstore... Has anyone ever seen such a thing? I know Proex has something similar that they use when creating cards/collages for their clients.

While I'm asking, I thought I'd see if anyone has any ideas for this series of portraits (they are unedited at this point, but you'll get the idea). Henry's grandma is a master crafter and sews Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls. My kids have some too. They are so precious to us. Kitty stitches the child's name over the heart and uses fabric from her father's clothes. Henry's doll even has a touch of paint on the pant leg (his dad is a painter)

If you don't have any ideas for this particular series, I'd still love to hear your favorite poem, quote, or Bible verse. I found a new quote at Target the other day that I'll use in an upcoming post...stay tuned.


  1. Isn't Kitty the best? I'd love to get her contact info--Emma needs one of those!
    You inspired me too look through my book, "Favorite Poems, old and new" and I found a couple for you:

    Everybody Says, by Dorothy Aldis
    Everybody says
    I look just like my mother.
    Everybody says
    I'm the image of Aunt Bee.
    Everybody says
    My nose is like my father's,
    But I want to look like me.

    (This next one doesn't have anything to do with Henry's doll, but I think it would be great with toe pictures!)
    A Baby's Feet, by Algernon Charles Swinburns

    A baby's feet, like sea-shells pink,
    Might tempt, should heaven see meet
    An angel's lips to kiss, we think, A baby's feet.

    Like rose-hued sea-flowers toward the heat
    They stretch and spread and wink
    Their ten soft buds that part and meet.

    No flower-bells that expand and shrink
    Gleam half so heavenly sweet,
    As shine on life's untrodden blink
    A baby's feet.

    And this one, from Robert Louis Stevenson's A Child's Garden of Verses

    The Whole Duty of Children
    A child should always say what's true
    And speak when he is spoken to,
    and behave mannerly at the table;
    At least as far as he is able.

  2. P.S. Henry's book is so beautiful! Great job!

  3. That's so awesome - the pictures, your poems, the doll. I don't have any help but I love what you're doing.

  4. Henry's book is stunning. I used all the poems from Nicholas's baby shower cards in his first year book. I also included who the card was from, so each seemed like a little note from the person. I love your photos.

  5. Henry's book is really beautiful. I had no idea that's what you meant by picture books. (You know your full name is showing, right?)I bought a book of quotes, sayings & poetry at AC Moore years ago.

    I have a great one for little boys treasures if you want it, let me know. When I used to do laundry, when my son was little, I would pull all of these treasures out of his pockets. So I took pictures of the pile on top of the jeans and did a page layout with this particular poem. It was so cute!

    One of my favorites, tho, was for my lab that died:

    Member of the Family

    What would I do without you,
    My precious, furry friend?
    Part mischief, but all blessings,
    And faithful to the end!

    You look at me with eyes of love;
    You never hold a grudge...
    You think I'm far too wonderful
    To criticize or judge.

    It seems your greatest joy in life
    is being close to me....
    I think God knew how comforting
    Your warm, soft fur would be.

    I know you think you're human,
    But I'm glad it isn't true...
    The world would be a nicer place
    If folks were more like you!

    A few short years are all we have;
    One day we'll have to part...
    But you, my pet, will always have
    A place within my heart.

    Author: Unknown.

  6. I am still thinking of a good one for the above pictures. But I had this one in my one of my scrapbooks you could use...

    A new baby is like the beginning of all things wonder, hope, a dream of possibilities

  7. Found your blog through MckMama. I check in from time to time, but have never commented. I'm always looking for Bible versus and quotes for my kids' photobooks. One of my favorites in recent months is by Richard Wagner. Joy is not in things, it is in us. Thank God for that!

  8. My mom made Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls for cousin and my brother and me when we were little. Too bad I dont know where mine is, baby J would have a nice face to look at while he likes in his "baby jail". I think he is tried of looking at me :o)

  9. I am the worse at quotes, sorry wish I could help! Those Raggedy Ann and Andy dolls are so cute! I also love the new layout! Very springy!

  10. I love a good quote. LOVE them like crazy. I love almost every thing Mother Theresa said. A quote I use daily at work is "Be the change you wish to see in the world." Goethe


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