Sunday, March 29, 2009

Not Me Monday - Stellan Style

It crossed my mind to skip Not Me's this week. Like I said in an email to a blogging friend, it didn't seem right to do a post linking to MckMama without it being about Stellan. I thought about admitting all the things I did this week as I tried to be a friend to MckMama, but gave up the idea because I was scared it would sound to uppity coming from a in real life friend even though there were times I was very overwhelmed and felt like I was letting everyone down .

Seeing that Emily is hosting Not Me Monday - Stellan Style, I decided that it would OK to talk about how hard this past week has been.

I (don't) feel heaps of guilt just writing that since any of my troubles pale in comparison to what MckMama has dealt with in the past 7 days.

I (didn't) spend 3 days returning emails from people who wanted to reach out and offer their support in anyway to my best friend.

I (didn't) hope that I could catch up for even a few hours at a time. Not me!

It (didn't) take me up to two days to return some of those emails. Nope. I'm faster than that.

Then, I (didn't) miss some people who had to email me multiples times to get the contact information. Nope. Not me!

I did (not) have to ask for personal information from kind, well meaning folks who just didn't happen to have a profile linked to their email. Nope. I would never be so bold as to ask people to verify who they are just because someone out there thought it would be fun to impersonate me on another blog. That did not freak me out one bit.
I'm above that nonsense.

I am (not) mad at myself for not thinking of it sooner, but I now have a much faster way of writing back to people who request MckMama's information. Not me! I'm efficient from the get-go!

I did not weep and shake my way through tweeting and posting when I learned that Stellan was in Vtach.

I have (not) felt inadequate to answer questions about MckMama's food likes and dislikes.

I have (not) been singing Sunday School songs all week as a way to lift Stellan up to God. Nope. Not me!

I have (not) felt helpless, relieved, frightened, mad, scared, and peaceful all in a matter of hours. Not me!

I am (not) bummed that I didn't take the time to make sure I got a 'keeper' the last time I saw Stellan.

I'm (not) posting them anyway just to see his sweet face when I log on.

Yet those who wait for the LORD Will gain new strength; They will mount up with wings like eagles, They will run and not get tired, They will walk and not become weary. Isaiah 40:31

Keep fighting little guy!

Mr. Linky is up and running already on Emily's blog. Click here to add your own link.

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  1. He is just absolutely beautiful!

    MckMama is truly blessed to have such a wonderful friend.

    We'll continue to pray...

  2. Praying for sweet Stellan constantly!

  3. I love your post... I hear you about so many emotions in such a short time span. Praying...

  4. Praying for sweet Stellan! I never knew how blogging and sweet Stellan could bring us all together!

  5. I'm in tears seeing those pictures of sweet Stellan. You are a gift from God, friend, that's for sure!

  6. You are a great friend:) Praying for Stellan and the family.

  7. I love you post - I hate to be an annoyance, but I still don't have an address to send off this package I have for Stellan. Can you email me please -, blog is and my foundation is - click on About Us and you will see I am listed there.

  8. what absolutely adorable, precious pictures of him...

    Even though my heart aches and I've shed many tears for this wonderful family that I don't officially "know" (but feel like I do) I'm sure the pain for you is even greater.

    We will never stop praying in this house for him. And I absolutely did NOT admit to a bunch of other things I didn't do in regards to Stellan and MckMama last night...

  9. i can imagine that you are being a great support to jennifer during these difficult days and that stellan's sudden illness has affected you greatly. heck i don't even know her. wait. i meant to say, heck i haven't even met her in person, and i feel that way. she has an incredible knack of making you feel like you know her. and i'd pretty much like to give her a giant squeeze. so maybe next time you see her, you can do that for me.
    thanks for all you are doing for her.

  10. I can completly understand how you've felt but I am sure that you are more appreciated than you'll ever know.

  11. Uppity? You are the lease uppity online person I know. Don't ever worry about fact the fact that you are worried about sounding uppity makes you even less so! Thanks for the candid shots of Stellan.
    How are you holding up? Sounds like you had a busy day with the kids.

  12. How painful it is to see our friends and loved ones hurting. I am actually fairly new to MckMama's blog...yet, I've shed many tears over Stellan. I can only imagine how this has rocked your world...and it is not bad for you to say that...not in the least. Thank you for sharing so honestly. Prayers are continuing.

  13. We've been singing Sunday School Songs too. It helps the kids think of what to say. There's also a Building 429 song I keep hearing on the radio that reminds me to think of Stellan and his family.

    The pictures of Stellan are so sweet. I think they are totally keepers.

  14. I need help! I would like to send a gift to MckMama & Stellan in the hospital, but I have NO idea where they are! I just started reading her blog a couple of weeks ago. Sorry to get in touch with you this way, but I don't know how to contact you either! :)

    My blog is

    My email address is

    Many thanks in advance!
    Jenn in Denver, CO


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