Monday, March 23, 2009

Not Me Monday - 27th Edition

Happy Monday Everyone! I'm scheduling this to post while I'm (hopefully) out for a walk in the morning. It's been soooo long since I exercised on a regular basis that it's barely on my radar these days. I'm hoping to change that. If I fail, I can always admit my shortcomings to the world in a Not Me post right?

Admitting that I take short cuts or that my van looked like this for 5 months, are par for the course by now, but you can get the specifics over at My Charming Kids.

Speaking of My Charming's a whole gaggle of Charming Kids....

They were (not) that exhausted after playing dinosaurs, rough-housing, and eating that they collapsed into this chair. Nope. Then them! It was (not) suggested that they pretend to be sleeping by yours truly.

If you've been reading my blog for any length of time, you know that PapaBear was laid off at the end of January. I've been working from home on my blog to book design and photography businesses to help make ends meet. It's been a challenge trying to keep up with it all.

We've all made some sacrifices. I'm trying to let the guilt go. I put my trust in God. I do not take the reins back on a daily basis. Not me!

Tomorrow we are going to try a new routine. I will leave first thing in the morning and put in a 9-5 at a couple of coffee shops and libraries. It didn't take us almost 2 months to realize that in order to bring in a decent income right now, I will need to be disciplined enough to work regular hours. Working until 1am like last night to send a 314 page book to the printer is (not) my idea of fun.

I'm looking forward to having my evenings and weekends free for family time. The camping season starts in early May and we will have very little free time from then until almost November. There are a few things that go in the park before the campground opens. One is a MapleSyrupOpenHouse. I am (not) going to tease you with only picture of the sap collected from the park's sugarbush. Nope. Not me! I'm totally (not) in the mood to repeat the information I shared with 200 park visitors on Saturday.

Those siblings smooching on the Easter Bunny's chair are (not) my kids. Nope. We didn't take them to see the Easter Bunny a day before he was scheduled to arrive. Not us!

What didn't you do this week?

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  1. Great NMM!

    What's the first pic though?

    Love the pic of MSC and your kiddos :) That one of your two is just TOO PRECIOUS!!

    Good luck with work, I will keep you guys in prayer for your job siutation.

  2. Adorable pix of the kids! I recently found one of our good friends' visit here from CA with all 5 of ours making goofy faces on a couch. The 2 fams have added 2 more boys since then for a grand totsl of SEVEN! Your photo inspired me to get another visit scheduled. We need a new pic! ;) Great NM's. Isn't it wonderful that the business is going so well that time away is necessary??? You are os blessed.

  3. love the picture in the big white chair... too cute!

    and I hear ya on taking the reins back daily... it is such a struggle isn't it! You will be okay... God will provide. :)


  4. The first picture is of the floor in the van...rather the garbage in my van. We finally had a nice day recently so we cleaned out a winter's worth of junk. I could feed a small country with the crumbs on the floor!

  5. Love the photo of the kids kissing. Too cute. Your van looks much like my car still looks.

  6. Your van floor looks remarkably like mine! ;-)
    That picture of SB and BB is so precious. You'll have to enlarge that one and frame it!

  7. I have a silly in the world do you schedule a post?

    Love all of your pictures, The one with all the kids on the couch is priceless. How lucky to have a group of kids the same age to grow up as close friends.


  8. My van needs a bit of TLC as well. And I love the pile-o-kids. haha

  9. We are tapping our maple this year for the second time. I hope to get at least a little bit of syrup out of it!

  10. yay for coffee shops and libraries!! Those two places would be ideal!! And the kids still don't need day-care. Bonus!


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